Food for Thought

"My grandfather used to say that once in your life you need a doctor, a lawyer, a policeman and a preacher but every day, three times a day, you need a farmer."

Brenda Schoepp​

(advocate of agriculture, mentor for women in agriculture, business coach)

Welcome to Pleasant Hill Produce   

Growing high quality vegetables since 2014, we provide a diverse selection of 
healthy, delicious, fresh, safe, cleaned produce for you to enjoy.
​Join our no commitment, fully-customizable CSA for a seasonal adventure.
​We look forward to growing vegetables for YOU!

Available Now  

​2024 CSA Memberships

Join Our Mailing List

Want to hear more from us? Please join our email list on our Contact page!

 Join our CSA!

Support our farm and your health by joining our CSA. 

In The News

Check out the article in the Frederick News Post about our farm and CSA: Small Farm Feeds Its Community 

​​​​​​​Farmer's Markets

Find us at the following locations for your weekly shopping:

Pleasant Hill Farm Stand

8444 Fountain Rock Road

Walkersville, MD 21793

-opening late April-

Frederick City Market

331 North Market St.

​Sundays 9 to 1

-returning in May-